
by We Are Sikhs — December 19, 2016

Restaurant Dreams

I moved here from England in 2004. My cousin used to live over here, so that’s why I came and fortunately, then I met my wife. I am pursuing the American dream – you know, whatever you desire for, you can fulfill if you work hard. That’s what my philosophy is about the American dream. If you work pretty hard for it, you can get it. It’s probably going to take five years, or ten years, but eventually you’re going to get it. I’m almost there. This was my dream to build a restaurant, and I built this restaurant from scratch. There was nothing over here when I started.

 Cousins Restaurant

Why did you decide you wanted to make an Indian restaurant?

You know, my background is Indian so I had to have an Indian restaurant. I chose it because this is where my roots are and I have to go back to my roots. Indian food is where I shine. I’ve been doing this for my entire life.

What is your feeling when you see people come into your restaurant and enjoy?

It makes me happy. It’s probably one of the best feelings. When somebody comes and dines in and they enjoy the food and decor. It seems like I have accomplished something pretty good. It’s really satisfying.

So why did you come to America?

G: Career. Career opportunities are better over here. When I started to work in India, the pay was not great. You work hard for it but you didn’t get anything. But here, if you work hard, you can go somewhere.

What is the thing you value most about being a Sikh?

The belief that everybody is an equal human being; all deserve to be treated right. I am a big believer in that. Money comes and goes but your beliefs always stay with you. So if you have good beliefs, I think you will be successful in life. 

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