by We Are Sikhs — June 27, 2017
We are so thankful for the outpouring of support our campaign has received!
We Are Sikhs started airing commercials on major TV networks in Fresno, California earlier this month, and ever since, we've been receiving great feedback from people in the San Joaquin Valley and all across the country!
Here’s a quick snapshot of the wonderful support and feedback we’ve seen so far:
Jared C: “I'm extremely happy to see this! I know many Sikhs who are great friends and a wonderful part of our community.”
Tony D: “Thank you for your campaign! I’m not Sikh, but please get the word out and make it unmistakably loud and clear – I respect you and I respect your beliefs! I’m glad you live in America!”
Chris R: “I was so touched by a commercial I saw this morning. I have only ever had positive experiences with any Sikh and your commercial touched my heart…”
Ross C: “I just saw your new ads, and I want you to know that there are many Americans of all faiths who love and respect you!”
Ruth L: “I love your commercial, it's very effective. Good luck to us all in our quest for mutual respect.”
We are so thankful for the opportunity to share our values with our Fresno neighbors. By serving our community, loving others, and standing up for equality every day – we SHOW our neighbors what Sikhism is all about. But these ads have helped to spread that message far and wide – and we’re so thrilled that these messages have resonated with so many.
Thank you for your continued support! And if you haven't seen our ads yet, be sure to check them out on Facebook and YouTube today!
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